Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fattest Kid in the World

The child eats 10,000 calories a day, she cannot walk or bear physical strain and his cardiovascular
system is at risk.

Seven-year-old Jessica Gaude differs greatly from her pals. With 222 kilograms, she is the fattest child in the world.
She eats 10,000 calories each day in Coca-Colas, 15 hamburgers with fries and several kilograms of chocolate. What she eats in one day some children eat in half a year. Her breakfast consists of white bread, potato chips and two litres of coke. And she wants more.

When she last visited the doctor four years ago she had 110 kilograms. Unfortunately, she can no longer run and instead of walking she drags herself on the floor. Under such bodily weight her bones have already become distorted.

Mother Carolyn gives her daughter whatever the child wants. In the first week after she was born, when the baby cried because of stomach pains, the mother calmed her by feeding her with a bottle because she thought the child was hungry. “I gave her the bottle and she wanted more and more. It was not enough for her and she was constantly hungry”, Jessica’s mother says.
The doctors warn that the child’s health is already dangerously at risk and could die if not treated.

Unfortulately, Jessica’s mother does not understand medicine, her child is prescious to her and continues to feed her sweets.

It seems that is Jessica finally on right way. Thanks to our reader "Shorouq" see lattest news about Jessica on

February 15, 2007

For the past three weeks we have brought you the story of JESSICA, the young girl who reached 400 pounds and was forced to get around by rolling because her morbid obesity made it difficult to not only walk, but even to breathe.

But happily, a dramatic transformation has begun for the bright little girl. "The Insider"'s VICTORIA RECAÑO traveled to Jessica's hometown just outside of Knoxville, Tennessee, where she was hospitalized with breathing problems.

Soon after her hospital stay, Jessica was able to take the first steps in battling her weight as she headed to a children's hospital in Virginia. It was there where she successfully lost nearly 300 pounds!

Although significantly smaller and now capable of doing what other children her age do -- like playing with a hula hoop -- Jessica still suffers from the ramifications of being overweight for so long.

Jessica gradually became bow-legged as she grew, her legs unable to withstand the pressure from the extra pounds, resulting in a number of surgeries to help repair her legs.

Pins and braces were implanted in her legs to help straighten them and they will most likely be removed in the next few weeks.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

India's biggest brand Rajnikanth

Imagine this scene: It's late at night, so late that it's almost the next day. There is a closed gate, and outside it you could see a never-ending line of people, sitting there, eagerly waiting for the time to tick by and experience.

Ask a college kid in USA to guess what that was, and the answer would be: that's the line for getting the first pieces of Apple IPad.

If you ask the same to a Loyola college guy in Chennai, he would not only say that it's the Endhiran first day first show we are talking about, but would go on to brag how he was there, right at the front of that line.

While Apple is considered the most fanatically followed brand in the world, we do have one right here in India who can give even Apple a run for its money on his day, and that's Brand Rajni.

Let's analyse how Brand Rajni stacks up against the other big global brands in communicating with the users.

Tamil Nadu bus accident,17 killed

About 17 people were killed and over 60 persons injured as two private buses head-on in Shanmuga Sundarapuram village in Tamil Nadu's Theni District on Thursday morning.

The accident took place when one driver attempted to overtake a vehicle and lost control, hitting a bus coming from the opposite direction.

While one bus was proceeding to Madurai from Theni, the other was going to Chinnamanur from Madurai. The bus from Madurai overturned and many were crushed to death.

According to residents, the bus drivers drive very rashly and easily cause accidents in the area.

"This accident has happened because the bus drivers drive at greater speeds and easily meet with accidents, so government should take measures to control it. They should set up police to record speed and also put barricades and booths on roads to control them," said Thiravian, a resident.

A rescue team rushed to the spot and rescued the passengers with the help of residents of that area.

Injured passengers were shifted to a nearby hospital.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Friday, November 26, 2010


Saturday, November 20, 2010


Friday, November 19, 2010

Police set fire to Muslim village and chase away 54 families: Governor’s (Brigadier) order

Last 31st Sunday, a group of policemen have arrived at dawn and set fire to a Muslim village Kandalkadu and a Muslim mosque in the Kinniya District, SRILANKA and chased away 54 families who were resident there.

The victims say that the police has told them that this suffering was inflicted on the poor villagers by the Governor of the East Brigadier Mohan Jayawickrema.

These unfortunate Muslims are long time residents of Kandalkadu village, and they have registered deeds which they received in 1933 and 1945.There are over 130 families who were displaced due to the war resident in this village and had taken up residence in Kandalkadu. They have gone to their homes after the Trincomalee District Secretary had given written permission to them to stay.

Though these victims have shown their deeds and the letter given to them by the District Secretariat, the police have not heeded any of their pleas. The police had said they have no right to be in those places and questioned how they came into those jungles. After saying that they should obey what they say, the Police have set fire to the houses.

The mosque that was also set fire by the police had been built in 1972, the Kandalkadu residents say. These victims are refugees in the Kinniya Al adhan Vidyalaya.

The Governor, Brigadier Jayawickrema Mohan had arranged for a meeting with these Muslim victims yesterday, he has later postponed it.

A report had been asked from the Kinniya Grama niladhariya. The Grama nildhariya has reported that the victims are resident for a long time ; they have the janasaviya and samurdhi reliefs ; and they are registered even in the electoral registers.

When Lanka e news tried to contact the Governor over the phone regarding this issue, a person answering the call told,Jayawickrema has not come to office today.

When Ranjith Silva’s office was contacted, an officer answering said, the District Secretary had gone to the Kinniya District Secretariat.

The pictures depict the raging fire engulfing the houses; a house that has been completely burnt down; a family which is rendered destitute after the fire waiting with their remaining implements and wares; and the police guarding the place burnt down preventing anybody from entering the area.
